About Me

Greetings! I'm Mohit Badve, currently pursuing my master's in computer science at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.

My professional experience spans 3 years at Deutsche Bank, where I contributed to the implementation of a greenfield end-to-end payment processing system. Prior to that, I interned at Baker Hughes, focusing on automating toil involved in technical operations during the separation from General Electric and setting up performance monitoring for product life cycle management.

My expertise includes, but is not limited to, Backend Development, Behavior-driven Development (BDD) Testing, DevOps, Cloud Engineering, Performance Monitoring, and Data Analysis.

In my free time, you might find me: playing chess, editing photos/videos, watching stand-up videos, or humming songs.

Email Id: mohitbadve@gmail.com


14th Mar 2024
Team Size: 4

Winner - FutureHack 2024

Deutsche Bank in association with NewRelic

The 8-hour hackathon focused on solving problems related to observability by implementing custom monitoring solutions with the help of NewRelic.
We developed an E2E observability solution for a front-to-back payment application by setting up application performance monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, and custom log-based metrics and alerts. We ingested data through automated scripts and tested the system with ChaosMonkey.

28th Dec 2023
Individual Achievement

Associate Developer Certification


Earners of this certification demonstrate the knowledge and skills of effectively using MongoDB with their application and have hands-on experience completing day-to-day operational tasks needed to use MongoDB.

30th Sep 2020
Team Size: 2

3rd Prize - EvoTech4.0

Bharati Vidypeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi

EvoTech is a project exhibition competition with a vision to provide a platform for the young developers to portray their products solving real world problems and inspire others. The aim of EvoTech4.0 was to develop an intelligent system which focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on different sectors viz. health, education, employment and environment.
Developed a web proctored exam conduction platform.

20th-22nd Jan 2020
Team Size: 4

Best Innovation Award Winner - Smart Aurangabad Hackathon

Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad

Smart Aurangabad Hackathon is a 24 hrs National Level Hackathon and an advent for thinkers and innovators to design, develop and find smart ways to make world a better place. More than 500 teams across India participated in the hackathon and top 30 teams were shortlisted for the onsite hackathon.
Developed Kartavya, IoT Based Smart Routing System for Garbage Trucks.

4th-6th Dec 2019
Team Size: 3

Winner - Data Quezt Hackathon 2019

SAS in association with VESIM, Mumbai

Data-Quezt is a Data Analytics Competition open to graduate and post-graduate students anywhere in India enthusiastic for crunching, manipulating, validating and analysing the data in 24 hrs. More than 250 teams across India participated in the hackathon and top 30 teams were shortlisted for the onsite hackathon.
Our problem statement was to provide insights in order to find solutions to the problem of depression and suicide especially in university students.

13th Oct 2018
Team Achievement

Winner - App Making Competition

Fire Safety Association of India

App Making competition on the topic Building Automation, Fire Safety and Electronic Security held on the occasion of International Day for Disaster Reduction by FSAI.
Developed an android app giving information about the necessary actions to be taken in case of emergency situations.


Aug - Dec 2024
Team Size: 4

Data-Driven Forecasting and Visualization of Fresh Food Demand

A data-driven, machine learning-based full-stack web application that provides retail stores with accurate insights into buying patterns and identifies the fresh food products they need to stock up on, supported by advanced visualization features.

Technologies: Django, React.js, Cloud SQL (MySQL), Machine Learning, Google Cloud Run

Aug - Dec 2024
Team Size: 3

NutriNerds - Personalized Meal Planning and Nutrition Insights

A web application that offers detailed nutritional analysis at the ingredient and meal level, allowing users to create custom recipes, browse pre-built recipes, add them to personalized diet plans, and track progress with comprehensive analytics to support diverse health goals such as weight management or muscle gain.

Technologies: Figma, React.js, Material-UI, Django, MongoDB, Google Cloud Run

Aug - Sep 2020
Team Size: 2

Virtual Vidyalaya (School in Hindi)

An innovative web application for conducting continuous assessments and final exams in a web-proctored environment. It offers personalized feedback and progress analysis for both students and teachers.

Technologies: Audio-Video Capture, JQuery, Chart.js, CKEditor.js

Jun - Jul 2020
Team Size: 2

Web Query Summarizer

An NLP-based platform which generates extractive summaries of single-domain multi-documents (scraped web pages) based on user web queries.

Technologies: NLP, Selenium, Django

Jan - Feb 2020
Team Size: 4

IoT-based Garbage Collection Truck Routing System

A system that generates smart routes for daily garbage collection by utilizing real-time data on garbage level in bins, bin locations, truck capacities, and traffic conditions. It also features end-to-end monitoring for administrators to provide visibility into the entire process.

Technologies: IoT, Google Maps API, Firebase, Django

Sep - Oct 2020
Team Size: 2

DocAid - Voice Prescription

An automatic prescription generation system that converts dictations from doctors into prescriptions. It has capability to translate prescriptions into multiple languages, including Hindi and Marathi. Additionally, it offers doctors analytics to analyze patient health by processing their medical history.

Technologies: Speech Recognition, Google Translate, QR Code, PDF

Jul - Aug 2019
Team Size: 2

BookBus - Bus Ticket Booking Application

A role-based web application for bus ticket booking. Customers can utilize filtered search and seat selection features through a simulated bus UI. The application sends email notifications to customers upon registration and booking confirmation.

Technologies: Email Notifications, Django, MySQL, JavaScript

Jun - Jul 2019
Individual Project

Canteen Automation System

A web application designed to automate daily canteen operations, featuring functionalities such as viewing today's menu, placing orders, receiving orders, updating order statuses, billing, and offering discounts.

Technologies: Flask, MySQL, HTML, CSS

Sep - Oct 2018

Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures Awareness Android App

An Android app that illustrates emergency procedures through visual aids and connects to vital emergency departments via a dial feature.

Technologies: Android, Firebase

Aug - Sep 2018
Team Size: 2

Gas Agency Management System

A role based desktop GUI application developed for managing gas consumers' monthly reading records, and billing records. The system includes a bulk import feature from Excel sheets for consumers' gas usage data.

Technologies: JDBC, JavaFX, Excel Sheets, MySQL

Feb - Mar 2018
Individual Project

Attendance Management System

An attendance management system designed for a college, which allows teachers to mark students’ daily attendance records through a Command Line Interface (CLI).

Technologies: C, SQLite


Team Size: 4

Garbage Collection System using IoT for Smart City

4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud - ISMAC 2020

The current process of garbage collection does not consider real-time garbage level in dustbins while generating routes for garbage trucks leading to overfilling or underfilling of bins and more fuel consumption. The proposed system gathers the real-time garbage level of every bin with the help of ultrasonic sensors and generates dynamic routes for garbage trucks while considering several factors like capacity of trucks and bins, the distance between bins, and the level of garbage.

Team Size: 3

An Intelligent System for Evaluation of Descriptive Answers

3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems - ICISS 2020

Automatic answer-script evaluation makes the evaluation task convenient for teachers as it reduces time and efforts. The existing systems provide teachers the facility to conduct automatic objective and short answers exams but evaluating descriptive answers automatically is a challenge. We have used concept graphs, fuzzy string matching, grammar checking and other similarity metrics for the assessment. The system also generates personalized feedback and analysis reports for students and teachers to promote focused learning.